Frequently Asked Questions
Q.) What does the schedule look like?
A.) Schedules aren’t finalized until all signups are in, however we always try to keep them the same from year to year.
Instructional: Saturday mornings.
7-9, 10-12, 13+: 1 weeknight game, 1 weekend game, 1 weekend practice (every other weekend)
Q.) What kind of equipment is required?
A.) Hockey Stick: All sticks are generally accepted (street hockey, ice hockey, wooden, plastic, composite, etc.) When measuring a stick for a player, a good rule is to place the blade on the floor in front of the player. The “butt end” should fall somewhere between the player’s chin and nose.
Hockey Gloves: Any PADDED athletic gloves are generally accepted (street hockey, ice hockey, lacrosse, etc.) MOTO-CROSS gloves are NOT acceptable.
Hockey Helmet: Helmets MUST be equipped with a FULL face cage/shield. LACROSSE HELMETS ARE NOT acceptable!!! It should be noted that hockey helmets are much like sneakers: all brands fit people differently. It is highly suggested that players try on different brands to find the one that fits them best. Most helmets are adjustable with a simple Philips screw driver along the temples of the helmet. The helmet should be snug yet not painful.
Shin Guards: Soccer shin guards are acceptable. Street/Ice hockey shin guards (one’s that go above the knee) are also acceptable.
All of the equipment above can be purchased locally at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bertelli’s Skate Shop, Etc. The Hockey Committee and Referees reserve the right to deem equipment unacceptable at any time for safety. No player will be allowed to play without acceptable and safe equipment AT ANY TIME.
Q.) What is the cost for registration?
A.) Prior to late signups, the registration fee is as follows:
Instructional - $80/per season
7-9 League - $105/per season
10-12 League - $105/per season
13+ League - $105/per season
Q.) When does registration occur?
A.) Registration usually occurs during December and early January.
Q.) How old does my child have to be to start playing?
A.) Your child has to be 5 years old (or older) by September 1st in the year registration starts. Example: Registration opens Dec 1, 2022. Child must be 5 (or older) before Sept 1st, 2022.
Q.) When does the season start/end?
A.) The season runs during the months of February, March, and April.
Q.) How long do practices/games last?
A.) Practices and games are both about an hour long. (In the event of a tie game, overtime DOES occur.)
Q.) Where are the games/practices played?
A.) All games/practices are played at the Southwick Recreation Center.
Q.) Are the teams co-ed?
A.) Yes. All teams/leagues are co-ed.
Q.) Is there any contact?
A.) The league is “No Checking” however there is occasional contact through normal game play.
Q.) Are slap shots allowed?
A.) No. High stick infractions are called for sticks that go too high and for anything that “looks” like a slap shot (at the referee’s discretion).
Q.) How many teams make the playoffs?
A.) ALL teams make the first round of playoffs.
Q.) I still have more questions. Where can I have them answered?
A.) You can email any additional questions to