Welcome to the Southwick 3v3 2020 Registration Instructions!
When you are located in the registration you will add a Team by clicking on the Add Participant.
You should enter the coach's information as the participant so we can contact you.
If you would like to add multiple teams you are able to continue adding new "participants" by selecting the Add Participant button again.
Once you have added all of your teams (which are participants in the registration process), please select Save & Continue to move on to the next steps.
The next area will have a couple of documents that you can download and submit to us later.
We will need a Team Roster for each team that you register and a Medical Form for each player on a team roster.
You can download both of these forms during the registration process.
You should complete the registration without the forms completed and you can email them to us (msposato@gmail.com) or deliver them to us, once they are completed (we will be having a registration night that you can bring them as well).
The forms are required to participate in the tournament but not to register for the tournament.
Registration for the Tournament is $150 per team.
If you register 10 teams then you will be given one of those teams for free.